That little tiny pimple on your cheek

always show up that time of the month

and this time with MCO, does it make it worst? or is it much better with more rest?

it’s on and off for me and I’m making sure I don’t get it more often now

I would like to share with you how I deal with these tiny pimples every month and especially now


Keep yourself sane


This is the best way to keep your happy hormones up and the bad ones away

Take at least one hour every alternate day to exercise

Be it a HIIT video from youtube or a yoga class online,

or just running around your house to make you SWEAT!

I find this very helpful to keep me going throughout this MCO

make it a habit to exercise so that you will feel energized too!


Eat Well

I know that some of you may be eating maybe only twice daily during this MCO but make sure to eat well 😉

Drink lots of water daily to keep yourself hydrated

Eat less fast food, and more unprocessed food

to take in the energy from fresh vegetables and fruits


Meditate and Take Rest

I know it’s hard to take rest with everything that you need to juggle at home

especially if you have kids

but it is very important to take just a few minutes for yourself

a few minutes to calm down and rest

a few minutes for yourself to empty your mind

you can mask during this time

or have a cup of hot chamomile tea or peppermint tea to just relax and unwind

listen to some of your favourite music


Some products that I recommend for you……

  1. Argital Argiltubo Green Clay Mask is a must to calm your skin and your mind
  2. Composed Acne Water to control sebum secretion and balance skin to prevent acne
  3. Echinacea Cream for improve healing to clear acne and redness, and to prevent acne as well
  4. Argital Rose Cream for those of you looking for more relaxing aroma with tired and stressed skin type as it contains many essential ingredients that is suitable for dry or matured skin
  5. Argital Bust Oil contains rose and geranium essential oil, does not focus only for the bust area but it is a very calming and relaxing body massage oil to moisturize your skin and to calm your mind


Love yourself more, You deserve it 😉