dehydrated & dry

Dehydrated & Dry

Your daily trio to better skin

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Dry and dehydrated skin is characterized by lack of elasticity as the skin is craving for water, lack of dewiness also due to lack of moisture, the appearance of fine lines as the skin is lacking collagen due to loss of water.

Skin can be overly sensitive as the dryness overtakes the skin, making it easily irritated and inflamed.


frequency: twice daily

the use of hydrating Vegetalatte milk cleanser to give moisture and nutrients to your skin without skin feeling dry. If you are a soap lover, you may opt for our Sweet almond soap. Sweet almond oil nourishes the skin while it gently cleanses to keep skin clean and supple.


frequency: every other day

Repair and restore your skin with our signature Argiltubo green clay mask. Our moisturizing green clay mask that nourishes and heals the skin with its organic ingredients. Apply a thick layer and let skin to rest.


frequency: throughout the day 

Strengthen your skin with our strengthening toner Rugiada. Top up as needed throughout the day when the skin feels tight and irritated.


Heal and repair dry skin with Echinacea cream. Apply onto wet skin (after applying Rugiada) for easier massaging and absorption into the skin layers. Helps in balancing and nourishing the skin.

Opt for a protective Propolis cream in the evening for strengthening and giving the skin a natural protective layer. Dry dehydrated skin is weaker compared to other skin types and this strengthening effect can improve the skin foundation.


bonus tips:

Dryness and dehydration in our skin is often the result of our lifestyle and environmental factors. Let this be a gentle reminder for you to focus more on your internal self with adequate hydration and nutrition (water and essential fats are non-negotiable).